Fiordland 17
Nz albatross
Australia blue mountains
Fiordland 17
Nz albatross
Australia blue mountains
An eco-conscientious company with a focus on

Sustainable travel

Travel nourishes the soul - and sustainable travel protects our planet and habitats. We at TravelEssence aim to contribute to the future of environmentally conscious travel, and our business model and ethos are based on this.

Travel is the world's largest industry and one that, when done right, does a lot of good - employing as much as 20% of some countries' populations, it puts funds directly into the local communities, in turn helping individuals support themselves and their families while ensuring these communities continue to protect the lands Down Under.

Here at TravelEssence, we take an action-driven approach to use the positive power of tourism.

By combining carbon offsetting and empowering small and local businesses at the heart of their communities, we ensure that the natural wonders of Australia and New Zealand are protected so that together, we can continue to enjoy these magnificent territories for many years to come.

We work exclusively with local guides and small businesses
© TravelEssence
Yellow-eyed penguin | New Zealand wildlife
Discover the wildlife preserves throughout New Zealand and Australia

Our ethos

We are passionate about making travel more sustainable, and to achieve that, we have taken an action-driven approach that enables locals to look after their natural world.

While every single long-haul trip leaves an ecological footprint, we have taken steps to help reduce and compensate for this. We aim to ensure that every trip taken with TravelEssence is sustainable and culturally significant!

And we do this by taking the following steps:

  • Supporting regional tourism enterprises by working exclusively with small and micro accommodation and attraction providers run by locals

  • Promoting slow travel by encouraging longer stays, and more time spent in fewer locations, directly contributing to reduced CO2 emissions

  • Hiring cars over campervans or motorhomes as they are more fuel efficient and economical to run, automatically making them more environmentally friendly

  • Working exclusively with accommodations that meet environmental standards and are managed in a way that conserves resources and promotes green practices

  • Offsetting all CO2 emissions - meaning your entire holiday is carbon-neutral by covering the additional costs ourselves if you choose not to contribute

We offset ALL of our client’s flights and driving, as well as all of our business operations (2x over).

Andrew Morten, TravelEssence founder

Carbon offsetting

It's no secret: air travel leaves a large environmental footprint. To minimise the carbon footprint of your trip to New Zealand or Australia, all CO2 emissions are compensated so that your holiday is 100% carbon-neutral.

But at TravelEssence, we offset more than just the CO2 emissions of your long-haul flights. We also neutralise all internal flights and car journeys with a climate protection project with gold status.

In addition to carbon offsetting, we organise small-scale accommodations, far away from mass tourism, that are natural and environmentally friendly. Want to learn more about how exactly we offset your holiday? Click to read more below!

Our origins and story

Launched in 2006, TravelEssence is a travel specialist whose ideas and philosophy are based on our founder's longstanding experience with unique travels in Australia and New Zealand.

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Carbon offsetting

At TravelEssence, we're all about taking action to make positive differences through tourism. That means we offset your carbon footprint and ensure you travel more sustainably!

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Would you like to find out a little more?

Discover more about sustainable travel

Interested in making your travel adventures more sustainable? Contact us at Travel Essence to explore how you can reduce your carbon footprint while still experiencing the best that Australia and New Zealand have to offer. Our team is here to provide personalised advice and help you plan your journey with the environment in mind.